De Clermont-Tonnerre
After completing a DEA in Economic and Business Law at the Pantheon Sorbonne, Marie-Laure joined Sciences Po Paris (IEP).
As the literary editor of the film production house of Fabienne Servan-Schreiber (Cinétévé), she initiated and developed fiction for television and cinema before co-directing the company Télé Images Créations (a subsidiary of TéLé Images / Simone Harari) in Paris.
In 2007, she founded with her husband the ML and JF de Clermont-Tonnerre Foundation, aiming to make education accessible to underprivileged childrens and teenagers. Present in the art world for many years now, this foundation awards a yearly scholarship to a student of the Beaux-Arts de Paris (Prix Agnès B), as well as supporting the Zao Wou Ki foundation and the French Cinémathèque. The foundation also gave scholarships to help students at l’Ecole Polytechnique de Lausanne ( EPFL ), built a school for the street Children in India ( Priscilla Children in Mumbai ) ,offered breakfast for the poorest children in a school in Madagascar ( AZE Foundation ), and support a thesis in the Physics of the Universe at the Astroparticule and cosmology laboratory in Paris .
Since 2018, the foundation is supporting Research program in the Brain Center for a student of the Pr. Idan Segev, University of Jerusalem (BrainCircle).
In 2008, Marie-Laure was elected to the committee of the society of Friends of the Museum of Art and History in Geneva. In 2013 she was elected to the board of the Tokyo Art Club and the Friends of the Palais de Tokyo. The Fondation Cartier pour l’art Contemporain in Paris invited her to become part of their “Vivre en Couleurs” exclusive circle.
In September 2019, she was asked by The Musee d’art Moderne de la Ville de Paris to be part of their International Committee. That same year, Ralph Rugoff ( Director of the Hayward Gallery and the Venice Biennale 2019 ) asked her to join the Commissioning Committee of the Hayward Gallery in London.
She founded in 2015, and is the director of Spirit Now London, a non-profit organisation with all funds donated to cultural institutions and the support of young artists. By invitation only, it is a private and exclusive circle of benefactors, collectors, and friends. With Spirit Now London, she gives the opportunity to meet with exceptional personalities from contemporary art, design, culture, and science.
In another field, in 2012 she published La Médecine Personnalisée (éd.Odile Jacob), after indepth studies with a team of general practitioners. Two more books followed and over 350,000 copies were sold in France and translated in Lithuania, Romania and Mexico.